Kadomba II - Burkina Faso

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The creation of a experimental permaculture training centre in Kadomba II, a remote village in Burkina Faso. New growing techniques will help to increase local food security and biodiversity, and farmers will be able to provide for most of their fuel, food, and building material needs.

This will allow them to step out of the highly toxic monocrop/slavery system that is their current reality. Farmers in this region grow mostly GMO cotton as a cash crop (known as “white gold”), which is heavily sprayed. Although corn, sorghum and other cereals are often planted in the same fields after the cotton, when the stored grains are depleted, the villagers are left without food. As little as 35 years ago, before massive deforestation changed the landscape in the area, villagers remember being able to catch fish in a local creek, all year long.

Deforestation and resulting erosion (desertification) has created a seemingly lifeless landscape where it is difficult to imagine sustainable food production. Our project uses permaculture techniques to renew the land and release the fertility trapped by the harsh desert conditions.